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:Education Futures Studio]


The objective of the Education Futures Studio (EFS) research program is to collaboratively develop new conceptual and methodological work in the area of ‘technical democracy’, especially applied to the use of emerging technologies like AI in education.

The goals of the research program are to co-create academic, policy, and public engagement outputs that expand opportunities for non-technical stakeholders to understand, explain and evaluate emerging automated technologies.

The program spans five areas that aim to:

1. identify automated systems being used in education policy making and implementation;
2. experiment with automated systems in collaboration with diverse stakeholders;
3. explain how automated systems work in clear and engaging ways;
4. evaluate the immediate and longer-term impact of these systems; and
5. decide which, if any, systems to use, and identify alternatives to the use of automated systems, like AI.

This multi-stakeholder and multi-scalar work spans:

Stakeholder events and workshops
Undertaking research (e.g., interviews)
Seminars, webinars and presentations
Developing website and user-focused online learning tools
Academic and non-academic publications (e.g., journals, white papers, policy briefs, and media articles)
Development of teaching materials
National research council, Category 2 and 3 grant development and submissions