Vape Detection Australia offers a sophisticated system to prevent students from vaping in school bathrooms. The company assures that its system acts as an effective deterrent and protects students from the risk of ‘passive vaping’. The vape detectors are installed in bathrooms and respond to the chemical fumes of electronic cigarettes. Vape detectors operate similarly to smoke detectors but are specifically designed to detect the chemical components and aerosols associated with e-cigarettes. When activated, these detectors can notify school authorities, assisting them in enforcing school policies against vaping and maintaining a healthier school environment.
In essence, vape detection devices are not much different from other forms of environmental control, such as a fire alarm. However, there are several issues associated with the use of vape detectors. They raise concerns about student privacy if detectors are connected to CCTV (see Mae Beers, 2021), and their effectiveness can be compromised if students discover ways to evade detection (Harrison, 2019). It’s also worth mentioning that the mere presence of detectors might not suffice to deter vaping; education regarding the risks of e-cigarette use is also a crucial component of any prevention strategy.